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New Mode07 system

In a break from tradition, I'd like to alert all members to the new Mode07 system now available. This is made by MGCaladtogel and is a vast overhaul of the previous incarnations. Most exciting is the fact that he has also demoed an early 'rotation' feature, which he hopes to release in the near future. Follow the link on the right hand panel to get straight there and grab the demo and script.

Downtime Apologies

As you may have noticed, we've been down for about a week and a half. Due to a mixup in payment, the host suspended us till we paid. I can confirm we paid within a few hours, the rest has been down to the host being extremely slow to process this.

But alls well that ends well I guess. The downtime has motivated me to update things around here.

Update: Ugh, seems something broke our RSS. If you are reading this on the forums then I've fixed it.

New affiliate

Well we've got another one. RPG Manager, led by our friend illustrationism, is a new community offering support for RMXP and RMVX, as well as providing hosting services for amateur projects. Check them out if you like.

A few issues

Just a short news update: We are currently experiencing intermittent SQL failures. If you get any of these error pages in the near future, please try again in a few minutes.

We are aware of this and attempting to resolve the problem.

Downloads System Updated

After a year of the downloads system remaining unchanged, I have made development changes to the system public. I developed these changes over the last year, and have been testing them to determine their stability. The new public changes include:

All members of the forums can now submit resources.
Administrators have tools to alter submissions.
It is possible to upload a Demo.
Layout has been marginally improved.

Happy Christmas (and Jewmas!)

Happy holidays everybody, from all the staff at the RPG Palace and forums! Hope it's a good one for you all.

And a retrospective Happy Hanukah to Barry and friends.

If you want to talk about it with everyone, we have a thread here:


~ The Palace Staff

Winter Preview

I thought a big news update would beat lots of little ones.

- First up, the download system is on its way (finally) to completion. If you look on the right over there, you'll see an RMVX section is starting to be filled out to. In February 2008 we can all begin to play with a new maker. I am also ASSURING you all that all our old and new files will start to be uploaded. Heaven knows we can't rely on Zatham's rips and an outdated pixel movement script forever.

New IRC Channel

Aletarius, one of our more delightful new guys, has been kind enough to make us a new IRC channel (A whole community instant messenger). The community would be all that much more enjoyable if you join up and get to know the fellow site members! Follow the link below and find out how to join below. Down the line, I'm sure he will be adding various commonplace IRC games and what not to make it just that much more entertaining.

The rules to the IRC channel are the same as that on the boards. All are welcome along as long as you don't break the rules!

IRC Channel

Aletarius has been kind enough to make us a new IRC channel (A whole community instant messenger). The community would be all that much more enjoyable if you join up and get to know your fellow forum members! Follow the link below and find out how to join below.

The rules to the IRC channel are the same as that on the boards. All are welcome along!

IRC Channel Topic

Enjoy. Smile

Demos Added to Downloads System

I have added a new feature to the downloads system. You can now download a demo for any file that comes with one. The layout has been shuffled around to look more like pages in the "artists" section of the site, meaning that download links are now in the upper left corner of the page. The only files with demos so far are TheInquisitor's XP tilesets, which have passability set by Insane Cal included.

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